Friday, September 18, 2009

Cinnamon Power

I have always loved cinnamon but my husband does not like it so much, do to a childhood throwing up experience, anyway....I have rediscovered how much I like it, or LOVE IT. It has a low calories content but adds a huge boost of flavor to many things which I will list later.

But, from a healthy and medicinal standpoint, there are still more marvelous features to this superior seasoning.

Cinnamon is believed to aid in digestion and it can lessen the severity of food poisoning. It stimulates and heals at the same time. It has carminative properties (meaning that it can help to release gas from the stomach and the intestines), and it can be used to sooth cramps in that physiological region, too. It has been shown to be effective in alleviating some toothaches, providing well-needed relief to sufferers of these disorders.

Cinnamon can help combat flatulence, diarrhea and nausea and in the oil form of the spice, it chemically is a type of phenol, which is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.

Here is a list of things that I love to put it on...try them
Cooked apples and Pears or any fruit
Plain Oatmeal (so much better for you than the flavored oatmeal)
Almost every cookie/cake espcially Oatmeal Clove cookies
Pork Chops
Fruit salsa and cinnamon chips
Cinnamon chicken with risotto
cranberry/orange cider

If your feeling like you need a change in diet or a boost of flavor without the fat, try cinnamon you'll love it.

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